Thursday, November 29, 2012

OR 3 Boyer

The Enduring Vision is a non fiction account of the development of a young people. It was written by Boyer Clark. Most everything historical I read I try to see through the scope of "where/when do Jews come into the picture". Unfortuanltly even in times where I think Jews were involved he doesn't mention them because he is a Christian and thus sees Christianity as a more primary sculptor. He doesn't even mention Jews during the Second Great Awakening he writes "the Catholics and the Protestants both found new ways to connect with their god and shape society"(289). he doesn't mention the impact the jews had on society during this time. Because for real they were building factories and helping industrialize. Next Boyer tries to make the point that African Americans converted to Christianity because of water and for little other reason. he says "the slaves native religion had water as a holy object, similarly Christianity used water for Baptisms  In this chapter he doesn't mention that the jews by being good to god escaped slavery in egypt and that the Slaves may have seen that as a reason to convert to Christianity. I often see things through a very "jewish" lens and reading a book written by someone who doesn't has forced me to accept history in a different way.

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